I Want to Put a Winning Strategy into Your Hands.
I want to fix your biggest trading problem
I have done many surveys, and I know the biggest problem facing traders today is finding winning strategies.
I am going instantly solve that problem by giving you access to all of my best strategies right now.
And It is my ultimate goal to teach you how to trade in a simple to learn, and easy to understand the system with detailed rules.
You are going to love these strategies because they are simple, easy to use and they work.
I want you to have all my best strategies
Yes, that's right because just one strategy is usually not enough to trade successfully because of many different factors.

Factors that will determine the right trading strategy for you to choose like different market conditions, various trading periods, trader preferences.
I built this for you.

That's why today we have an exclusive trial offer to our most comprehensive basket of strategies that can transform your trading.

And my trial offer for you can change your financial future drastically by raking in an incredible profit from trading the market by teaching you to trade successfully and profitably.

I want to be able to help you do the things you want to do like:
  • Set your own schedule, and be your own boss.
  • Go on school outings with your children or grandchildren.
  • Travel the world in places that only dreamed of going.
  • Catch up with old friends in other states or other countries.
  • Help you not have to keep working at that grinding job that has been tearing you down day after day lately. 
  • And it could keep going on and on...
My point is, the benefits are endless which is why I am offering you something that is so powerful that it can change your life forever.
My Goal Is To Help You as a Trader
My goal to help you today by offering you a trial to my most comprehensive training and tools that I call Strike 3.0.
Strike 3.0 is a Forex system that can be the catalyst to accomplish your goals and desires in trading. 
Now I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to convince you how great the strategy is and show tons of so called “proof” That I am making millions.
All this so-called “evidence” which consists of photoshopped and edited bank statements saying that we are greatest and most profitable company.
No..I am going to spend this time sharing my goal which is to help you change your life.
Forex Trading can help you live the values that you desire for your life. 
Take a look at something one of my students sent me a while back:

Listen to My Students.
Casey, Thanks again for all you have done to help people in their trading. Since becoming a member, I opened a live account at Traders Way on April 12, 2016 with $721.00. Today I officially crossed the $5,000 mark in my account. I can't believe it !!!! I have not had a losing month or losing week since really taking your training to heart. Thanks again!!!

I could fill up hundreds of pages with comments (just like Jim’s) of students who told me that they just had their first profitable winning week, month, year, and so on using my trading system and techniques...

But I do not think that will be necessary because when you try my trading system you will know without a doubt know that this is the real deal.
I want you to have access to the best trading tools.
I am not only going to give you the strategies but all the indicators and tools that will enable you to trade the strategies like a pro.
I realize when you try my system, you have one of the best opportunities to be successful in trading Forex.
The opportunity is here; you just have to take this step to trading success like so many others have.
Here are some examples of winning trades that we took live in front of our students that followed our trading strategy that we use in our Strike 3.0 system:
GBPAUD +28 Pips Reversal Trade setup
  USDCHF +48 Pips!
AUDUSD +25 Pips! 
EURUSD +45 pips!
One of the trades above I made +45 pips in front of hundreds of my students in my live trading room. Whats great about this one trade is that I made a total profit of $1065.50!

So consider this..

This trade alone would covered a full year price of strike 3.0..

And we consistently make these kind of trades in front of our students every day during the live trading sessions.
The Doors Are Wide Open For You
I am going to open a door to the Strike 3.0 trading system today for you.

Opportunities are available every day, but it is always up to you to walk through the door of opportunity.

Right Now there is an open door…

And a chance to make a difference.

You can choose to walk through it, or you can live life the way you have always lived.

It’s up to you.

If you have been struggling at trading, there is really no one to blame but yourself.

You could blame a broker, a  bad strategy, or even a marketing gimmick that you have fallen for in the past.

But in the end, the buck stops with you.

You're the reason for your success or failure.

Not too many people will tell you that because most people want you to buy their product.

However, I am telling you the truth because I want you to become a better trader, and I want you to walk through that door of opportunity so that you can accomplish your goals, and live the life you want to live.

When you're making a decision about whether to believe what I am telling you or not, an important thing to look at is motive.

My Ultimate Motivation
What makes me tick? Why do I love helping traders succeed?
If my motive, for instance, is selling your product.
Then that means that I will do anything I can to sell that product to someone.
And include using marketing gimmicks, such as, “Blaming Brokers” “Evil Guru’s” and I could go as far as to blaming tooth fairy...
Basically doing anything I can to get you to stop putting the blame on yourself, and convince you that all you need to do is open your wallet so that I have the magic pill to fix your woes.
Let’s be real for a minute. Yes, I want you to buy strike 3.0.
But my motive is not just to sell a product. My motive is that I know if you get your hands on this strategy, it could change your life forever.
If you begin to stop making the same mistakes over and over again, you will start to see a different result. Things won’t be the same anymore. You will start to take profits out of the market like never before.
And start seeing the results of learning a trusted and proven strategy.
If you have a strong desire to spend more time with your family, have more money to help your family in a time of need, and to have more time to be free to do the things you want to do with your life.
And you firmly believe that trading can be the vehicle that gets you what you want.
Then you landed at the perfect place to help you reach your goals.
If those are some of your goals, which most likely they are, this could be the most important piece of information that you ever came across.
I want to do something very special for you because I know you deserve to be taught the right way.
 I have a system that I want to share with you, that has helped many traders produce thousands of pips since I have started my company.
This is Not a Get Rich Quick Gimmick
Now I am not going to tell you how rich I am or guarantee that you will make millions of dollars.
Trading is an opportunity that I believe in strongly, but if you believe the bold claims you see on the internet telling you that you are going to be rich in one day…
Well then frankly this may not be for you.
Seriously, get rich quick life isn't a reality unless you were born rich of course.
I don’t care what software you have if you don't trade it the way it is supposed to be traded, it will not help you succeed.
But here is where strike 3.0 Strategy is different from others.
We don’t just give you a system that works; we coach you at it.
Yes, the strategy works, and it works extremely well.
Our momentum strategy alone could give you enough pips to trade full time.
Here is the crazy part about it.
We have the momentum strategy PLUS 4 others that we will teach you.
Yes, this is a step by step system that anyone can follow and learn to apply in your trading.
While our trading strategies are as good as it gets and the software signals are like nothing else in the market.
The difference is the coaching…..

I want to Train You To Use My Best Strategies
We are here for you because we are people who have had success in trading and we know how to get past the hard times.
We know what it’s like to make a mistake and to not give up, but rather, keep going. We share that with you on a daily basis with our live trading room.
You can ask us for help at any time. Plus we will go over your trading plan and help you develop your plan to maximize your profits.
The reason this is so critical is that you are a real living, feeling person that has troubling situations in your lives which can impact your trading.
No system alone can cover that part of it.
I know that when I was down and discouraged, there were traders who helped me through those hard times.
So if you're someone that doesn't need extra coaching and discipline, then this system will work for you quickly. All you have to do is learn it and follow it.
However, if you're someone that might need some extra help, such as, daily coaching as well as someone to look over your trading plan or who will coach you through a tough time.
Then you don’t have any choice other than to jump in and try strike 3.0.
We will help you accomplish your goals and coach you while doing so.
I am going to make an offer so good that you can’t refuse….

The Strike 3.0 Exclusive Trial Period Offer
I will give you a limited time only trial period to try Strike 3.0 for a very low, discounted price.
I am reluctant to do this because I know how valuable this system is.
And I know how much money this cost me to learn this information and to build this trading software and system.
But after hearing the stories from all of you, I realized I had to do something because I know what this system, software, and training, can do for you when you get it in your hands.
So for a very limited time only.
I am going to offer a low-cost trial period to the Strike 3.0
The Strike 3.0 trading tools with the four setups, the multi-trend, the exhaustion bars, the levels in the scanner, alone (without any of the other components) have sold for $2997 in the past.
The video course which contains over 15 videos and the quizzes which teach you everything from how to use our tools, how to trade our trading strategies, how to set up a trading plan, and multiple money management strategies and techniques is worth $9997.
Which would make it a value of about $13,000 or if you broke that down into monthly payments over a year that would be $1083 per month over 12 payments.
So because I feel the need to get as many new traders I am going to do a trial period.
For 14 days for just $7!

That will be 14 days to try out the tools.

14 days to watch the videos..
14 days to ask questions in the trading room..
14 days to learn all of the strategies.

This is a chance to basically steal a $13,000 course for an extremely low price

Then after the 14 days you will be automatically renewed for the full price which is only $39 per month.

But of course you can easily cancel anytime during the course of the 14 day trial.

Because I want as many people to jump in on this I am going to make the deal even sweeter.

Right now for an extreme limited time only I am going to through in 3 special bonuses:

Bonus # 1 Trading Room Access
The first bonus is the live trading room which is Monday through Friday 8 AM Eastern time. Not only will I be in the room teaching, but I will also be in the trading room trading.
 I will show you my charts and you can watch my trades as I trade live right in front of you, looking at me is the best way for you to learn, and I show everything I'm open and honest very transparent which is rare in the Forex education community.
*Plus included in that bonus is all recordings of the live training sessions so that if you cannot attend live, you will be able to learn at your convenience.
I charge $970 an hour to consult one on one trading education so with this bonus you get over 35 hours a week with me live teaching and training which is a value of $33,950 per month. And you get that included as a bonus for a limited time only.

Bonus #2: Email Trading Help and Tech Support
Help is only an email away whether you need help using the tools or learning how to trade successfully. Even if you do not understand a particular setup, we are there for you.
I am not successful unless you are successful that is my goal you will never feel alone or forgotten about with Strike 3.0
Email support to a live trading professional has a value of $500 per month, but it's included Strike 3.0 now as a bonus.

Bonus #3 We are adding 3 special Trading Reports
Special Report No. 1:  6 Simple Ways To Trade Using Price Action
Most people don't realize that price is the greatest indicator, and we use price action in all our strategies to give us a trading edge. In this guide we go in depth into price action to show you how to become an expert at looking at price and knowing the exact time to enter a trade, which could potentially add a lot to your bottom line.
Special Report No. 2: Traders Mindset, A Key to unlock Your Full Potential
Everyone knows that trading can bring a source of income and could even potentially create wealth, but the biggest problem lies in the traps we set for ourselves inside our minds. This special report teaches you how to create a traders mindset that will eliminate fear and making your mind a tool for wealth creation.  
Special Report No. 3: How to Make Money with the Carry Trade
The carry is a simple trade that is a great addition to your basket of strategies with minimal additional work and effort. However, this special trade can be extremely useful in creating an additional source of trading funds. We teach step-by-step how to build your carry trade strategy to employ today.

Each of the PDF Guides sells Separately at $497 to you in the next year, so that's a total of $3,000 of additional trading tools, yours free. For a Limited Time.

So now to the best part of this offer because I took a step way out on a limb by offering this trial I decided to go all the way and put all the risk on me.
  My Personal Performance Guarantee--We will make Money in Front of You
I hate Guarantees....
Here's why:
Because I have spent over $50,000 learning all of these different trading techniques.
I have spent countless hours trading and learning, and slugging away in the markets day in and day out learning how to master trading.
I have spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours creating the software, writing the training modules.
I know this stuff works, and once you get your hands on this material you can't unlearn it, that info is locked into your brain forever.
Seriously, if you go to college to become a doctor and you don't get hired as a physician, do you go back to the college and demand your money back? No of course not.....
I know people with medical and law degrees, working at the mall and Walmart.
Plus you can make more money trading than you can as a doctor or a lawyer.
So to me the idea of you getting your money back at all from something that I have put my entire life into is absolutely insane.
It is like you taking my life's work from me and then slapping me in the face and laughing at me.
I would be crazy to offer a guarantee when I have so much on the line.
But I want to you to get this because it can change your life. So I am going to be crazy and take all of the risks and give you my performance Guarantee.
So if that means I have to give a guarantee even if I shouldn't have to, I will do it just to get it in your hands.
So Here is My Rock Solid 100% Money Back Performance Guarantee....
If in the first 14 days of the trial we fail to profit with our account live in real market conditions, AND you feel like the material is not excellent, and the tools don't work after that then you can send us a refund request, and we will comply with no questions asked Guaranteed.
That is about a solid guarantee as you will ever see because I don't know anyone else that puts that kind of pressure on themselves just to make a guarantee.
So here is the guarantee one more time....
I Guarantee: I am so confident in Strike 3.0 that we will profit in our live account in front of you during your first 30 days. If we don't, you can request a refund. That's a lot of pressure on me to prove myself to you.
I don't have to do that....
It is not necessary at all because I know this works and I don't have anything to prove.
But I added this incredible guarantee because I want to convince you how serious I am about helping you get to the next level in your trading. I don't want anyone who is considering this to miss out because it is going to make a huge difference in your life.

What to do Next:
Okay Here is what to do next..
Click the button below right now to secure your seat for the trial.

I would do so quickly because at this price it will fill up fast and we are going to close the doors very soon.

Dedicated to your trading success,

Casey Stubbs
Winners Edge Trading

Yes, I Want to Take Control and Have More Time with Family, Money and Freedom
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